Sunday, November 19, 2017

First-Person Options in Third-Person Games

I've been playing "The Evil Within 2" for the past couple days and I'm really enjoying it so far. The story is not bad, the game play is fun and responsive, the atmosphere is actually scary compared to the last one, and the stealth mechanics are pretty neat. One thing in particular though, really caught my eye. During certain stealth segments in the game and with the use of console commands on PC, the camera perspective switches from third-person over the shoulder view to a first-person view. This camera switch adds an extra degree of difficulty to the stealth mechanics, and flushes out the new forms of gameplay in the game. This got me thinking though, what other games switch to or add a first-person perspective that was originally third-person? And more importantly which ones do it well?

Besides most if not all driving/racing games allowing you to switch from over the car to first-person view, the only other two that comes to mind right now is "GTA V" and "Star Wars Battlefront". Both originally starting with or having a third-person view from the get go, then adding in the ability to switch to first-person view whenever you want. Now I know that there are probably more examples out there, but as of right now these are the only two that come to mind that do it well. 

In "GTA V", the gameplay perspective has been set in third-person for over the past 13 years since "GTA III". Until in 2014 when "GTA V" crossed over from the older console generation to the newer "PlayStation 4" and "Xbox One". With this crossover, the game developer "Rockstar", allowed players to switch over from the original third-person view, to a new first-person view. This allowed players to experience the open world sandbox like never before, and gave an extra degree of difficulty to playing the game. However, even with it being a cool feature, and it surprisingly working well, playing in first-person in a game that was originally third-person isn't always the best. First, the controls and gameplay doesn't really change much when you switch perspectives. So, when playing it feels somewhat off, as if it's not really meant to be played like this. Second, it limits your view, and in a game where someone can run up behind you and just steal your money, having a larger area of view is pretty important.

Now with "Star Wars Battlefront", the game always gave you the ability to switch perspectives. One was never locked out from the other. Now with this being an online shooter, giving the player the choice between playing in first or third person is amazing. It is fully utilizing this mechanic by giving everyone access to how they want to play. Do you want to have a sort of tunnel vision when you play? Then first-person is for you. Or do you prefer it when you field of view is larger for when you camp in a corner? Then third-person is the right choice. Giving players a choice on how they want to play gets huge thumbs up from me, however some might say that due to everybody playing with different camera perspectives, it creates an unlevel playing field. 

Games that allow for different camera perspectives can be a real plus to the game if done correctly. Though sometimes if done poorly or just lazily they can really feel like a cheap add-on that wasn't even worth the time of the developers or players. 

What do any of you think? I for one will always enjoy switching to a first-person view when given the choice in games. Do you prefer it as well or does the third-person option suit you more? Also, if any of you have any other examples of games that allow for different camera perspectives in game, please share them in the comments below. I would love to see more games with this feature. Until next time, everyone.

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