Monday, September 25, 2017

First-Person in Virtual Reality: Do I think it's worth it?

In the past, few years virtual reality has become a new way in consuming and producing content. From streaming videos on your phone to training new employees with hands on equipment, virtual reality is becoming more mainstream in many ways. For this blog post however, I will be talking about one form of content in particular. That is of course, first-person video games. 

First off, virtual reality or otherwise known as VR, is a three-dimensional computer generated environment that is created to give off an artificial, but otherwise life like experience that we can explore and interact with ourselves. With this technology we can play games through our own perspective, and not just through the perspective of a character on a screen either, no we experience it with our own two eyes. The way we experience this is with the use of a virtual reality headset.  To name off a few, those would be the "HTC Vive", the "Oculus Rift", and the "PlayStation VR". Now there are probably more out there that are currently being developed or don't have the spotlight shined on them, but when it comes to video games these are your three main competitors.
"HTC Vive"
"Oculus Rift"

"PlayStation VR"

My personal views on virtual reality when it comes to video games is that it has the capability to further our experience in video games in a true first-person fashion. However, I don't really think we are at a point where virtual reality is a revolutionary new way to play video games that will one day take away controllers and replace them with big awkward headsets. I think of VR more as a gimmick as of right now, mainly due to the lack of content being created for them. While yes there are plenty of games being created for this platform, I don't really see them as full-fledged games. Rather, they are more like experiences that you would share with some friends or by yourself for a short period of time then move on to something else.

Also, don't think these experiences comes cheap. As of right now, these headsets will cost you a sum of around $350-$600 depending on which one you choose, and that's just the headset alone. You will also have to invest into a machine to run the games as well. This can be another $300 for a PlayStation 4 or around $750 for a beefy PC.

Note that I have never personally used or played with VR, so my viewpoint may change depending on I have some hands-on time with one. As of right now though, coming from an outsider's perspective, I don't think VR is worth the time or money for a short 30 min. experience that I'll play for a week then never touch again.

Tell me what you guys think. Do you want VR to become the new normal way experience video games, or do agree with me and believe that it's just a gimmick that won't make substantial leap for quite a while? Also, if any of you own or have used a VR headset tell me what's it like in the comments below. Until next time everybody.

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