Sunday, October 29, 2017

Titanfall 2's momentum-based movement

Okay, I know this blog is not just supposed to be about first-person shooters, but rather other video game sub-genres based around the first-person perspective. But I have been on a "Titanfall 2" binge for the last 2 weeks and I want to express my love of the movement in that game. 

So, to start things off, let's first describe what "Titanfall 2" is. The "Titanfall" game series is a first-person shooter created by Respawn Entertainment, that consist of 6v6 matches of "pilots" and "titans". "Pilots" are highly skilled soldiers that use parkour and jump jets to maneuver around the map. This creates opportunities for some high-speed action. "Titans" are giant, 25 feet tall battle mechs that pilots use to fight alongside them or control it themselves and fight as a titan on the battlefield. 

Now enough about that, let's explain the movement system. As described before, "pilots" can use parkour and jump jets to maneuver around the map. This mainly consist of wall-running, sliding, mantling, double jumps, and some extra tactical abilities that can help with movement, like grappling hooks and speed boosts. The ability to tap a button to double jump and run across walls to create a sense of momentum is a simple concept that is used in some games, but is really well done in "Titanfall 2". It successfully takes the movement system and asks players to use it to define their play style. Are you a run and gun type of player? Then move around the map as fast as you want with a speed boost. Do like to take the tactical route in shooters? Then go ahead and jump on top of a building with a grapple hook to get a strategic advantage. Is taking the sneaky and quite way your style? Then go invisible, and flank the enemy team by running across buildings. It's a refreshing take on a movement system that has become stale in recent years. 

(Example of the use of the grappling hook. Video by "ChristmasLights")

Ever since the release of the first Titanfall game back in 2014, other competitors tried to integrate movement systems into their games. For example, the last three "Call of Duty" titles have tried to push idea hard on all their players. The problem with this is that they were never really developed around the movement system, instead it just felt pushed in and unneeded. When we compare this to Titanfall, it feels like the game was built around the movement system and really takes advantage of the momentum based movement. Rather than it just being pushed in to a different type of game. 

Titanfall 2 also does some interesting things with its single player campaign as well. While it is still a somewhat linear campaign and story line, it still takes full advantage of the movement. Respawn Entertainment decided to craft large open spaces for players to take advantage of. Because of this, players are able to choose how they want to play. It's a refreshing use of a movement system, that breaks the mold of linear first-person shooter campaigns.

In the end, Titanfall 2's momentum-based movement system remains, by-far, the best in the first-person shooter genre. With its well done design to incorporate fast and fun movement, and mold breaking of the slow and sluggish gameplay that I feel like a lot of first-person shooters have had as of late. 

Does anyone else agree with me, or do you feel like shooters should be more boots to the ground style of gameplay. If anyone agrees with me, please suggest other games that incorporate a great movement system that incorporate momentum. The only other two I can think of right now are "Mirrors Edge" and "Dying Light".

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Diversity in Overwatch

Now, today I wanted to go into something a little bit different. That's right, as you read from the title, today's post revolves around diversity. Specifically, diversity in one of my favorite first-person shooters to come out in the last year, "Overwatch". This game is an amazing first-person team based shooter that doesn't really change much in the terms of team based shooters. It doesn't break the mold, in fact it fits inside it perfectly, but that's not a bad thing. In fact, it's awesome. All and all it's just a really good game developed by the wonderful people over at Blizzard. Where two teams of six face off against each other to claim an objective or payload.

Now if you have never played Overwatch or gotten into the series at all, then you might be asking "What does this game have to do with diversity?" and I'll say "everything". (Note: I know that there are plenty of other games out there that do an okay job of expressing diversity, but I know this game the best and for a blog that revolves around the first-person aesthetic, I kind of put myself into a corner here.) As of right now Overwatch has a total of 24 playable characters, each with their own weapons, skill, and abilities. More importantly though, they are different in terms of race, age, gender, and size. You got guys and gals, thin and thick people, young and old people, human and non-human, and all in a variety of different races and nationalities. This game really breaks the mold of random white guys fighting against each other in shooters, which you see a lot of in games nowadays.

Besides that, the game also goes into discrimination territory too. The Overwatch universe is set within a world where people don't judge you on the color of your skin. They've grown past that and have bettered themselves from it, creating a more just and peaceful society. The advancement of technology grew so great and fast, it went to the point where the creation of artificial intelligence was created and robots pretty much became living creatures with their own thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, though humans and machines fought and a war was started. Even after the war ended and peace was achieved, people had a harsh view on the machines from then on. I don't really see this in many games, as much as this one, especially shooters for that matter. 

Each character comes from a different background that people can relate to in some way shape or form. Because of that, Overwatch has become a widely known and very popular video game that people can love not only for the great game play, but for its diverse cast of characters set in a world of heroes.

What do any of you think about this? Really, there's not much to go over, it's just a simple topic that I thought was interesting and one that the developers over at Blizzard did really well. Tell me some more games that played the diversity card well, or ones that played it bad.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Horror in First-Person

Hello everyone, in celebration of Halloween today's blog post I will be focusing on how first-person perspective effects the scare factor and all around spookiness in video games.

First off, I believe there are three things that can make or break a horror game. One, is the general atmosphere of the game. Whether it be a ghost town during a zombie apocalypse or a silent hospital that is haunted, creating a tense situation is key to perfecting a scary situation. Two, is the simple use of jump scares. While yes people criticize them for being cheap gimmicks that are overused in horror (which they kind of are), they are also just as effective as others forms of scares. Even if you know they are coming, the constant feeling of something popping up and scaring you, is within itself scary. Third, is the use perspective.

Recently I played the entire story line of the "Dead Space" game series, and it didn't really come to mind until now. I was never scared once throughout the entire three video games, and they are known to be the scary sci-fi re-imagining of the resident evil franchise. Don't get me wrong there were plenty of spooky and spine chilling moments in my play-through, but not once did I ever freak out due to a scare. I was more worried about my ammo conservation then the killer alien/zombies on the ship. The reason why I believe I wasn't scared was because the game took place in a third-person perspective.

"Dead Space 3"

This is where my previous point comes into play. The different uses of perspective are a critical piece of any horror video game. In a third-person perspective you are given an over the shoulder view of your character. This gives you a wide view of everything your character sees and then some. With having the entire room in your field of view and a simple camera turn to look behind you, there comes a slight miss in the immersion factor. In a first-person perspective, your view is very limited. You are only able to see what is directly in front of you, and for you to see what is behind you, you would have to do a full 180 degree turn. In doing so, you create an opportunity for the game to pull off a jump scare when you turn back around. A semi-recent example of this would have to be in the "Outlast" series. The entirety of the game is taken place in a mental hospital full of deranged killers, and you the player are trying to escape. It takes place in first-person and the game makes full use out of that. Throwing jump scares, chase scenes, and hiding segments at you from the start, and it's your job to play the game using only your eyes and a night vision camera to see what's in front of you.

I guess in short what I'm trying to say is that horror video games set in a first-person perspective are far more tense and terrifying due to your limited view and increased sense of immersion. It really adds to the atmosphere by decreasing what you can witness, and really emphasizes on those jump scares by getting in your face. 

Tell me what you guys think in the comments below. Do you agree with me that first-person adds to the spookiness in horror games, or do you think other perspectives give off a better vibe when it comes to horror? Also, in spirit of Halloween, tell me some good scary games to play for October. I've been wanting to expand my collection and would love to see what you guys suggest.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

First-Person Shooters in eSports

CSGO Championship
 If you are or have ever have been associated with the gaming community, one point or another you have come across something called "eSports". For those who are not aware, eSports is simply electronic sports. Meaning, competitive gaming between two individuals or professional teams playing against each other. The most common video game genres associated with eSports are MOBA's (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), RTS's (Real Time Strategy), Fighters, and of course FPS's (First-Person Shooters). Esports are global in a way that few traditional sports are. They transcend national borders, language barriers, markets, and celebrate experiences that reward skill, commitment, and cooperation.

Rainbow Six: Siege
 For being quite popular, eSports weren't widely known until the early 2000's when Arena Shooters like "Quake" were popular. It was the time where everything was fast paced and chaotic to the point where only those who were playing could understand what was happening on screen. As opposed to now where the main First-Person Shooters associated with eSports are now games like Counter Strike and Rainbow Six: Siege.

Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong these games, it's just that for me, they lack that high octane, fast paced action that's hard to come by any more. Instead you get long periods of time where you're watching someone sit in a corner for 15 minutes. The once ever so popular sub-genre called Arena Shooters, were amazing for competitive gaming, and for me being a sort of casual who never truly got into the competitive side of gaming, there was always something enjoyable when you watched someone play the game at the highest level. Knowing more than just running and gunning, and using high amounts of knowledge, strategy, and tactics to survive.

Now, whenever I'm on Twitch, most of the FPS's games in the eSports side of gaming is being blinded by MOBA's and RTS's. And not only that, but the fighting game community is full of nothing but hostile people looking for grudge match. I feel like First-Person Shooters aren't as popular as they once were. I don't know, I guess I just want that fast paced, high action, and friendly competition that first-person arena shooters brought. Oh well, I hope to see the FPS genre still have a share in the eSports community, and one day bring in some new heavy hitters that will break the mold of slow objective based shooters.